

  • [B. L 2006]
    Nigeria Law School
  • [L.L.B Hons, 2005]
    Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun – State
  • Integrated Legal Consultants Accra Ghana since March 2009.
  • Clarke Paiko & Co Lagos Nigeria 2007-2009.
  • Ministry of Justice Gombe, Nigeria 2006-2007.
  • Member: Nigerian Bar Association; Association of Professional Negotiators and Mediators and The Certified Institute of Shipping, International Bar Association.
  • Incorporation of Companies both in Nigeria and Ghana.
  • Participated as a member of the legal team in the acquisition and merger of companies.
  • Represents Clients in obtaining requisite licenses or permit from the required authorities.
  • Performs the administrative role as company secretary to include filing of Annual returns and all requisite forms and resolutions, maintaining of statutory registers, attending Board of Directors meetings and Annual General Meetings.
  • Drafted Wills and Codicil, obtained Letters of Administration and Probate on behalf of clients.
  • Conducts Research and writes Legal Opinions.
  • Conducts corporate due diligent exercise on behalf of clients.
  • Prepares legal agreements, leases, assignments, joint ventures and partnership deeds/agreements.
  • Drafted Demand Notices and Terms of Settlement on behalf of Clients.
  • Prepares all the required documentation for holding Annual/Extra General Meetings and Board of Directors Meetings and prepares requisite resolutions and statutory forms, and undertakes filing of same at the relevant Company Registries.