

  • 2007
    Ghana School of Law
  • B.L 1992
    Nigerian Law School
  • LL.B Hons. 1991
    Obafemi Awolowo University Ile – Ife
  • BA Hons. 1986
    University of Ile-Ife
  • Director, Integrated Legal Consultants, Accra Ghana since April 2007.
  • Fugar & Company - Accra Ghana 2006 – 2007.
  • Wright & Co – Freetown, Sierra Leone 2003 - 2005
  • Fourah Bay College – Freetown Sierra Leone, 2003- 2005.
  • Aluko & Oyebode - Lagos Nigeria, 1994 – 2001.
  • Oceanic International Bank - Port Harcourt River State Nigeria 1993 – 1994.
  • Nigerian Bar Association, Ghana Bar Association, International Trade Marks Association, International Bar Association.
  • Responsible for securing the registration of several leading international brands with both the Nigerian Trademarks Registry and the Ghanaian Trademarks Registry.
  • Responsible for handling negotiations between some of the largest oil service companies and local communities in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
  • Oversaw registration of patents and designs and other incidental matters.
  • Responsible for securing the registration and certification of several products with the National Agency for Food & Drugs Administration Nigeria and the Food & Drugs Board, Ghana.
  • Reviews and drafts contracts, agreements and other legal documentation.
  • Attends meetings with various clients on diverse legal issues.
  • Responsible for the incorporation of companies at the companies’ registries and rendering general legal advice on investment and immigration matters in Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
  • Securing the registration of numerous companies with the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) Accra Ghana.
  • Effecting the registration of companies with the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation and the Petroleum Commission, Ghana.
  • Obtaining work permits for expatriate workers within the Ghanaian jurisdiction.
  • Was involved in the review of security documentation for a number of Nigerian banks as well as the preparation of standard security documentation to be used by banks in giving credit facilities.
  • Provides training for Ghanaian Banks on “Legal Aspects of Banking & Securities For Lending”.
  • Undertook a due diligence exercise of the second largest commercial bank in a Sierra Leone for purposes of privatisation of same.
  • Lectured year 3 students on the Law of Torts at Fourah Bay College Freetown, Sierra Leone.
  • Assisted in preparing of draft bill for the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission in Sierra Leone.
  • Acted as team leader on Department For International Development (DFID) project – “Is It In Force Exercise” in Sierra Leone which entailed the compilation of all international treaties, protocols, statues etc. in force in Sierra Leone.
  • Assisted in drawing legal and administrative structure for the Food Security Commission (a Food & Agriculture Organization Project) – “The Right To Food” in Sierra Leone.
  • Assisted in drawing legal and administrative structure for the Food Security Commission (a Food & Agriculture Organization Project) – “The Right To Food” in Sierra Leone.
  • Reviewed and drafted security documentation in respect of a US$25 million facility by OPIC to a local mining company in Sierra Leone.
  • Reviewed and drafted documentation in respect of the Privatisation of non-core activities of a Government Establishment in Sierra Leone.
  • Was involved in a DFID project – “Reform of Laws & Legal Framework That Affect Business Trading & Competition in Sierra Leone.
  • Accepted briefs, prepared pleadings, interlocutory application and conducted trial litigation.
  • Renders general legal advice on the land tenure system in Ghana and represents various clients in the acquisition of real estate.
  • Perfects documentation and registers same at the Lands Commission.
  • Oversees practice group on Company secretarial matters, firm representative as company secretary for various companies;
  • Oversees the practice.